Delaware County Christian School

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  • Academic Rigor - offering SAIL, STEM courses. Graduates accepted at top 10 universities  

  • International Office Staff provide Individualized Guidance, Support and Advising  

  • Advanced Technology 1:1 initiative, smartboards and document cameras in classrooms. Technology projects integrated into coursework, Moodle's  learning management system  

  • Robust Extra-Curricular Program with access to athletic, music and drama programs, as well as clubs, leadership, and service opportunities 


  • Accepting Grades: 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11 

  • Conditions/Exceptions: Senior: only if student is transferring from another Christian School in the U.S. 

  • Faith Requirement: None 

  • Admissions Criteria: Listed below are the average scores of students that have demonstrated success in our program. TOEFL Jr.: 7th-8th grade-750;  TOEFL Jr.: 9th grade-780; TOEFL: 10th grade-78; 11th grade-80 

  • Accept Spring Enrollment: Yes 

  • Interview in Lieu of Test: Yes


  • Application Fee: $400  

  • New Student Registration Fee: $1,600 - Includes Enrollment Fee $1,600 (required to release I-20) 

  • Estimated Re-Enrollment Fee: $1,600 - Due by March 13th 

  • Tuition: $30,524 (2021-2022) - Includes School New Student ESL Intensive Summer Program $2,000; School Provided Student Health Insurance;  School Provided ELL; Honors & AP Courses; Use of Chromebook; International Student Fee; Clubs; Activities; Middle School Tuition (6-8) $28,825

  • Other Fees: Cafe; AP Exams; Sports Fees; Senior Trip; Misc Senior Year Fees 

  • Refund Policy: Tuition and fees are non-refundable for absenteeism, illness, injuries, vacation, school closings due to acts of God or inclement  weather, withdrawal or dismissal. 



  • Number of AP Courses and Listing: 16 - Chemistry; Physics I; Physics II; Biology;  Calculus BC; Statistics; English Literature; English Language; European History;  Government/Politics; US History; World History; German Language; Spanish  Language; Psychology, Computer Science Principles 

  • Number of Honors Courses and Listing: 25 - Anatomy & Physiology; Chemistry;  Biology; Physics; Calculus; Prob & Stat; Pre-Calculus; Geometry; Algebra II; Algebra  I; English 11; English 10; English 9; Gov't/Economics; World History; World History  II; US History; German II, III & IV; Spanish II; III & IV; Mandarin IV; Art III

  • Dual Enrollment Courses: Calculus BC; Statistics; English Literature; English  Language; Spanish; AP Chemistry; Pentateuch and Romans 

  • STEM/STEAM Classes: Yes 

  • Specialty Diploma Offerings: N/A


  • Athletic Teams: Boys: Soccer; Basketball; Baseball; Lacrosse. Girls: Tennis; Soccer;  Field Hockey; Basketball; Softball; Lacrosse; Cheerleading. Co-ed: Cross-Country;  Golf; Track & Field; Indoor Track. 

  • League/State Championships: Team Championships: Boys Basketball, Girls  Basketball, Baseball, Football, Girls Soccer, Softball, Track & Field League  Championships: (Most Recent) Boys Track, Football, Field Hockey, Girls Basketball,  Boys Basketball, Baseball, Softball State Championships - Individual: Track & Field,  Girls Tennis 

  • Fine Arts Award or Special Mention: Choir: Best of Class - Festival Disney / 1st  Place - Female Lead Vocal / 1st Place - Best Supporting Actress / Best Set Design  2018 Scholastic National Gold Medal for sculpture


  • % Graduates Enrolled in College: 98 

  • College Preparation Support: **** 

  • Universities Acceptance: Harvard University; Vanderbilt University; Cornell  University; Georgia Inst. of Technology; University of Pennsylvania, NYU Local Universities: University of Pennsylvania; Princeton University; Columbia  University; Pennsylvania State University


  • Extra-curricular Activities: Hi-Q Team; Mock Trial; Yearbook; Chapel Committee; Worship Team; Tech Crew; Prefect Board; Student Senate; Red Team; Student Ambassadors; National Honor Society, International Thespian Society.

  • Clubs: Robotics, Math Team, Multicultural Alliance, Chess Club, Table Tennis Club, Musical, DC Players, Choir, Knight Tones, Pep Band, Jazz Band, Philosophy Club, Film Club, Photography Club, Christian Outreach, Engineering & Science Club, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Manly Mornings, Worship Teams



Jennifer Cranston